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What are antioxidants?

Within the human body. millions of processes are occurring at all times. These processes require oxygen. Unfortunately, that same life giving oxygen can create harmful side effects, or oxidant substances, which cause cell damage.
Oxidants, commonly known as “Free radicals’ are also introduced through external sources such as exposure to the sun or pollution. Other mediums include stress. as well as things that people put into their bodies such as alcoholic beverages, unhealthy foods and smoke, in much the same way as oxidation creates rust, there is a breakdown of cells inside the human body. Free radicals produced by this breakdown attack healthy cells. This chain of events weakens immunological functions as well as speeds up the aging process. Antioxidant agents, reduce the effect of dangerous oxidants by binding together with these harmful molecules, decreasing their destructive power. Antioxidants can also help repair damage already sustained.


「活性酸素」という言葉を耳にしたことがあると思いますが、いつも悪役のイメージです。しかし活性酸素は体内の異物や毒物、細菌や ウィールスを分解する人間には必要な物質です。ただ同時に 正常な細胞を傷つけてしまいます。ごれが「酸化」です。
酸化すると鉄が錆びるのと同様に人聞の体が錆びるのを肪ぐ作用を「抗酸化作用」と言います。肌のシミ、シワなどの原因の多くは 活性酸素(フリーラジカル)にあると考えられています。その原因として、食事、栄養バランス、ス卜レス、また紫外線、放射線、 車の排気ガスなど曰常の生活で避けられない外的要因もあリます。

Organic Collagen / オーガニックコラーゲン
helps to protect your skin from dry and polluted air. Our collagen is eight times more concentrated than standard collagen, resulting in tighter firmer skin with greater coverage.
White Tea Extract / ホワイトティーエクストラクト
is one of the most effective, in terms of anti-oxidant, anti-collagenase and anti-elastase with its high trolox equivalent anti-oxidant capacity (TEAC) and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
抗酸化力を測るTEAC とSODにおいて、ホワイトティーエキスが飛びぬけて高い抗酸化力を持つことが報告されています。ミネラル、ビタミンの豊富なホワイトティーは「若返りのお茶」とも伝えられており、肌の再生、若返りに注目されています。
Hyaluronic Acid / ヒアルロン酸
works by hydrating and moisturizing the skin from the inside which helps to smooth out fine lines.

Vitamin C Intensive White-Cream / VCIP クリーム

Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate (Vitamin C) / 脂溶性ビタミンC
has Anti-Oxidant , Whitening, Collagen Synthesis, UV Protection, MMP Inhibition,
Collagen Protection, and DNA Protection properties.
抗酸化作用、ホワイトニング、コラーゲン合成、紫外線防止、MMP 抑制作用、コラーゲンプロテクション、DNAプロテクション作用があります。
Nonapeptide -1 / ノナペプチド-1
may prevent production of tyrosine in the melanocytes, melanin synthesis inhibition and helps to even out your skin tone by lessening hyper-pigmentation.
Shitake Mushroom / マツタケエキス
is an excellent moisturizer, powerful antioxidant, and helps to lighten skin while being rich in eight essential amino acids.
D-More Anti-Aging Skin Care  D-More オーガニック コラーゲン アンチエイジング スキンケアD-More Anti-Aging Skin Care  D-More オーガニック コラーゲン アンチエイジング スキンケア

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